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Summertime Healthy Eating Ideas

BBQ everythang, patio drinks, desserts, birthdays, get togethers, camping, road trips, you name it... Summer is filled with some of the most epic get togethers and the treats are usually flowing!! So how the heck do you hit your bod goals WHILE enjoying summer and all of it's awesomeness?! You plan ahead. Yup, it really is THAT simple. The thing is, when we fail to plan, we actually plan to fail. It becomes THAT much easier to reach for a bag of chips or crackers to snack on because we didn't take the extra time to pack healthy options. Hunger can abolish ANY string of willpower you may have, and if you haven't planned accordingly for the #hangry moments, they will certainly run your show. Life isn't fair, I know. So, bottom line? Set yourself up for success. Are you headed to the lake this weekend? Do you plan on enjoying s'mores, hot dogs and chips? Awesome. Let's counter those delicious, not so healthy treats with fresh veggies in hummus, fruit-infused waters, crustless quiches and a vegetarian chili. Sound ok? I'm not about to go on any tangent and tell you not to enjoy those foods. If you are eating them from a place of enjoyment and not emotional need, then I support your decision to treat YOSELF. That being said, we are trying to strive for BALANCE, so just don't swing too far one way on the pendulum (aka treat city) and forget about your greens, drinking extra water and eating healthy fats and protein. Another way to prepare yourself for potential will power strike down is to eat more often. Now, let's be clear here: I am not suggesting you consume a bag of chips every hour to stave your cravings. What I AM saying, is you shouldn't wait until you can't possibly go another minute without eating before you perish in the summer sun from starvation. So eat often!! There are OODLES of delicious, healthy snack ideas on the interweb!! Heck, I'll even try to post them more often for your sake. But the bottom line? You have GOT to plan ahead. Pack snacks that are going to keep you going strong and steady, NOT spike your blood sugar levels like a bagel with cream cheese or a low-fat muffin from Tim's (hello afternoon energy crash!!) If you're still reading this, it means you're waiting for me to give you some ideas and tips. I'm going to do you one better. I'm going to give you a PRESENT. A little summer gift from me to you: my own personal summer travels grocery list. Everything on the list can be made into awesome ready-to-eat-on-the-go snacks or meals, so you won't be left choosing between FroYo and a chocolate bar for your dinner. YOU'RE WELCOME :) Grab your PDF version of the list HERE! Still unsure of what to make to prepare yourself for success?? Here are some fun travel snack ideas from my kitchen to yours: 1) Veggie Egg Cups

2) Fresh cut carrots, celery, cucumbers and hummus 3) Fresh berries 4) Marie's OMG Granola (top yogurt, fruit or eat as is)

5) Thinly sliced sweet potatoes, toss in olive oil and bake at 400. 6) Spicy Thai tuna and green leaf lettuce 7) Lara Bars 8) Vegetarian Chili (delicious cold as well as hot) 9) Healthy Oat Energy Balls

10) Cut up apple, put 2 Tbsp natural PB in mason jar and apple slices on top 11) Mason Jar Salads!!!!!!!! (Make sure to put the dressing and "wet" ingredients at the bottom, dry ingredients like lettuce and nuts at the top) 12) Shakeology!! I take individual packets with me, my shaker cup and just add water! (Obviously blending it is most delicious, but hey, I'll take my superfoods shake how I can get it!) 13) Cut up pineapple or melon 14) Hard boiled eggs 15) Water bottles with a lemon wedge and 3-5 raspberries in each. Tastes delicious and helps de-bloat! There you have it, friends. My own personal grocery list and 15 fun ideas for easy, on the go snacks so that you can set yourself up for success this summer season. My best tip of the day?? Stop restricting yourself so much. If you want to eat the damn donut, eat the damn donut. Just don't go eating 3 in one sitting. And if you're not getting sweaty every day for at least 15 minutes, then just remember that eating more calories than you are expelling leads to weight gain and nobody wants that when it's bathing suit season. Happy snacking!! If this post helped you and you know someone who would benefit from reading it, feel free to share it along!! I also post my meals almost daily on Insta and FB, so if you're not already following me over there, don't be shy! Marie xo


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