Welcome to my office for the morning. Sitting poolside on our cute little porch in Bali while the other two hooligans sleep.
If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought I could travel the world and still work a business that I LOVE while being on vacation, I would have told you, "YOU CRAYCRAY". (That's how I would have said it too)
Coaching is the ultimate freedom. It's the ultimate "feel good because of what you do" for others and for self "job". It's a creative entrepreneurial position that requires nothing more than passion, humility and a good wifi connection.
There was a time when I was finishing up my second University Degree that I thought, "so, is this it?" And it brought confusion and a bit of pain to my heart. I don't think we should ever settle for an "is this it?" kind of life. Do you??
This is going to be a big year for us. I can feel it. Can you? Boomerang Wellness is growing and I want to extend an offer to you right here, right now. Yes, YOU! The beautiful, shy, badass female who thinks she's not good enough or could never inspire others. I've got news for you, YOU CAN!! I can show you the tools to flip your entire world around and it will blow your mind and make life so much more enjoyable for you!! Are you ready to jump?? Let's have a conversation.
With love and gratitude,