If you don't already, head to your Apple podcast app and 'subscribe' to the Live On Purpose podcast! If you're loving the episodes, feel free to give it a 5 Star review and leave some support or honest feedback in the comments! This helps more people see it and benefit from it!
Okay first of all, 30 episodes?! WOW! I am so honoured and proud to have officially published 30 episodes of the Live On Purpose Podcast! And it truly couldn't exist without YOU, so thank you for your support and for every review and comment you leave on iTunes and share on your Instagram stories and FB feeds! It makes my day!
Today's episode is a little different. I wanted to share a gift with you that could serve to help you feel less stressed, less overwhelmed and more peaceful during this hyper-paranoid time we're living through.
Today's episode is my "Feeling Overwhelmed" Guided Meditation, straight from the guided meditation audio library that my brand new course: Stress Less & Learn to Meditate includes! I've also decided to discount the course price by 25% this week, so that more people might benefit from learning how to lower and better manage their stress during this strange season we're in right now.
Want to learn more about the course and If it could help you? Check out the details here.
Press play and enjoy this guided meditation from any comfortable position! If it served you today, feel free to share with a friend or family member who could benefit from less stress and more bliss. You're more than welcome to share about it on your IG stories and social media. We could all use a little extra loving this week, this could be the gift you give to someone else.
Always in your corner,
ps - feeling overwhelmed and looking for some guidance? My inbox is always open and I'm ready to help. Shoot me a DM @mariebarkerwellness on Instagram and let's chat about how to get you feeling GOOD.