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Ep.36: Living a Nourished Life with Jass Stupak

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I grew up being bloated all the time. I thought it was normal. So I did what any self-conscious pre-teen would do and I sucked it in. All. The. Time. Yes, I'm serious. I walked around with a contracted gut because I was so scared anyone would see my bloat and think I was fat. Gosh, do I ever have compassion now for that young, self-conscious, scared little girl.

It took a few years and a few healthcare practitioners, and eventually as a teenager, my Naturopath told me I was dealing with Candidiasis. Candy-what?? She explained that I had an overgrowth of candida yeast (everyone has some, but mine was more prevalent than normal) and it was leading to some imbalances in my body and a whole lotta bloat. Fast forward 15 years, a Celiac diagnosis, food eliminations like you wouldn't believe and an obsessive journey of self-advocacy within the medical system, and I wound up with a PCOS diagnosis at 28.

Why the backstory? Because when I connected with today's podcast guest, Jass Stupak, Holistic Nutritionist, I was IMMEDIATELY a fan. Not only does Jass cut through the BS when it comes to supplements, beauty and health products, but she is so down to earth, a fellow Canadian and she is a PRO at helping women with their bloat, gut issues, hormone imbalances and truly leads by example when it comes to living a NOURISHED life.

You are going to LOVE this episode. I took so many notes and I know personally, it'll be one I revist often.

Jass is a wealth of knowledge and there are SO many nuggets of wisdom within this convo!

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In this episode, we talked about:

- How Jass grew up thinking her constant migraines were normal

- The sneaky food ingredients that are often at the root of migraines

- How to get to the truth of supplements and their ingredients

- Nasty ingredients to avoid in supplements

- Journalling the things you eat and how you feel

- Eating without distraction. What mindful eating looks like.

- Candida (what is it?), parasites and the most common factor behind both

- Hormonal birth control, Antibiotics, gluten, dairy and inflammation

- Constipation and diarrhea and the common causes of both

- Foods that hinder health and foods that help with alkalinity

- Mental health and meditation

- Her definition of what it means to live on purpose

Some of the resources mentioned:

I had SUCH a blast chatting with Jass, and I cannot wait to bring on more, wonderful guests in the future for you to learn from!!

Do me a solid?? If this episode helped you in any way, would you mind sharing it with a friend? Take a screenshot, send a text, whatever you need to do to help ONE person hear this message today.

I’m on a mission to empower as many women as possible in their health, wealth and wellness through this free educational platform and spreading the word about the podcast is the best way I know how to get these important topics into more womens’ headphones and lives!

We can do better together.

Until next time,



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