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I was 18 when I first started doing at home workouts.

I remember popping in a Jillian Michael's 6 week shred DVD and praying to the workout gods that THIS would be the answer to my fitness woes.

I so badly wanted to lose the last 10 lbs that seemed to be hanging on TIGHTLY to my hips and midsection. I so badly wanted more ENERGY, confidence + to "tighten and tone" my whole body.

Isn't that what every woman prays for all year long??

I slipped on an old pair of Adidas shorts, grabbed a glass of water + made my way to the basement of my parents' house, where I was living at the time.

The basement ceiling was low, the old red carpet scratched my legs during floor moves + the DVD kept skipping.

I felt overall underwhelmed with my experience.

So I put the DVDs away and gave up on at home fitness.

Fast forward to my final year of University.

I was about to enter the work force as a High School Teacher.

Internship, student loans + binge drinking led to me being stressed out and tired, with no time to go to the gym, no money to invest in expensive trainers or nutritionists, and quite frankly, I was FRUSTRATED with feeling like I was trying so dang hard all the time and wasn't seeing the results I wanted.

I knew it wasn't complicated.

But I also knew I wasn't seeing the results I craved with my made up workout circuits, intense stair climber sessions, skipped meals + carb cutting.

I mean, there's only so long you can go without carbs before somebody gets hurt... Please tell me you feel me on this one?!

So when Beachbody on Demand came into my life, I was skeptical at first, but open-minded enough to jump in and try out this new, modern way of working out.

As cliche as it sounds, I was so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

So I pressed play on the streamable library I could access from my phone, computer or tablet and completed my first program.

And then another program. And then another. And then 10 more.

I fell so in love with it all, in fact, that I've gotten into the best shape of my life using these at home workout programs and will NEVER stop using them.

Want proof? Check out me and some of my friends!! (We all use beachbody on demand workouts, drink shakeology + support each other online in our FB community!)

Doesn't everyone look happy?!

Don't get me wrong, I still love occasional hot yoga and spin class.

I even teach a HIIT/Weight Training class once a week at a local gym!

BUT having access to over 700 different workouts created by the top personal trainers in North America ON MY PHONE or computer, as well as access to any meal plan, recipe, grocery list, life hack video, etc. that I could ever need to see results is a game changer!

We're talking Cardio, HIIT, weight lifting, YOGA, dance, bootcamp, MMA/Kickboxing, and more. From 10 minutes to 60, with or without equipment. Done from your living room, or back yard, or at the gym!

There's even an entire pregnancy video library and programs for parents to do with children.

Oh, and did I mention I get it for only $99CAD/year??


Check out this short video to see what I'm talking about:

Some of the top reasons I love using Beachbody on Demand??

1) I can stream my workouts WHEREVER I AM. This is a big deal for me, as I travel a ton for work. I simply DOWNLOAD my workouts for that week onto the awesome app and take my iPad or phone with me to the hotel gym, spare bedroom, campsite or driveway. I was even able to get my BOD (beachbody on demand) workouts in while I was travelling South East Asia for two months!! It is the epitome of EASY ACCESS + convenient fitness.


2) I don't have to THINK or make my own workouts up anymore!! This is coming from someone who played competitive sports her whole life, studied Kinesiology in University + LOVES being active. Being able to push PLAY, follow the trainer on the screen and get an AMAZING sweat in from my living room in under 40 minutes is my favourite part of every day. No more "trouble spots" on my body.

These programs target your WHOLE BODY and if you stick to the program AND do the accompanying nutrition program + shakeology with each one, you'll soon see what I'm talking about!


3) I get unlimited access to EVERY NEW PROGRAM that comes out!

There are no hidden fees or private content. When you become a Beachbody On Demand Member, you get instant access to EVERY workout program (currently over 700), EVERY meal plan and resource as well as EVERY workout or nutrition program that's launching that year and in years to come!! It makes it EXCITING because Beachbody releases about 3 new programs per year + you are always able to try something new, which keeps your fitness routine fresh!!

No more punishing, boring workouts. #aintnobodygottimeforthat


4) The Beachbody On Demand Blog is THE BEST, most helpful resource for my health and wellness around. Pairing it with the monthly accountability groups I host on FB has led to me staying ACCOUNTABLE + CONSISTENT in my fitness journey for the first time ever.

Beachbody is always updating it with the latest research, meal plans, recipes, tips and tricks. Want to learn about Intermittent Fasting? Keto? What to supplement? How to stay fit while pregnant? While travelling? They have it all! When you become a Beachbody on Demand member, you get access to FITNESS PROGRAMS, NUTRITION PROGRAMS, RECIPES, RESOURCES AND A FREE COACH!! (Like me!)

Every single month, I host a FREE accountability group online where a group of us get together, complete a program, implement some new healthy habits around food and self care + SUPPORT one another on our journeys. I credit these groups + the easy access of BOD to my incredible fitness results over the past few years.



That's Beachbody on Demand in a nutshell.

If you're interested in seeing what kind of options are available to you for purchase because you want to finally start seeing the results you crave like I did, you can check out the video below for the most popular option and you can also GO HERE to pick out your own pack or EMAIL ME to chat more!

Here's the video explaining the Beachbody on Demand ALL ACCESS pack! (It's the most popular option!)

There is never one size that fits all!

This is about making fitness FUN, affordable, convenient + DOABLE so you can see long term results in your life!

You in?? I'm just one email away!

xo Marie


ps - are we friends on THE GRAM yet?!

If not, head over to @mariebarkerwellness and say hi!!

I love meeting all of you in the DMs there and

interacting with your stories and posts!



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